My name is Amber, and I'm glad you're here. I have served in the Air Force for over 16 years and understand the complex challenges that life brings. I have been involved in coaching for the past 10 years, and working with clients for the past decade. I have trained in diverse types of coaching, including holistic, developmental, mindful, and transformational.
Holistic coaching is about creating balance in all parts of decision-making. Coaches that use this style believe everything in life connects, so finding harmony is essential for decisions to work. Holistic coaching focuses on all aspects of the individual, including physical, spiritual, mental, financial and relational.
Developmental coaching is about wanting to create awareness and perspective within clients. Coaches who use this approach may believe that understanding awareness and perspective can help improve individuals' focus to accomplish tasks. This coaching focuses on understanding the way humans interpret feedback, developing awareness and intuition in making choices and becoming more aware when you're entering or leaving autopilot mode in life.
Mindful coaching is using techniques for clients to understand what might limit their decisions or their actions. It can help to uncover what they want to get past and any challenges they might be encountering. Mindful coaching can show them their patterns and behaviors to change to improve their lives.
Transformational coaching focuses on helping individuals who are going through major life changes or want to create a major change in their life. The style primarily is about helping clients understand how their attitude and perception of themselves can affect how they behave. Individuals may want to work on their self-image or learn how they can reach their full potential.
The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.